

氏 名園部 真美 (ソノベ マミ)
職 位准教授
所 属看護学科
年 報2021(514kB)2020(483kB)2019(515kB)2018(644kB)
研究キーワード母子相互作用,乳幼児精神保健,NCAST,Infant CARE-Index,育児支援
・Early Intervention to Support Parenting during Pregnancy: Improving Parent-Child Interactions, Mami Sonobe, Masami Usui, and Taiko Hirose, International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices, 2018.9
・Chisato Kimura1, Mami Sonobe, Mayumi Ikeda, Tomomi Azuma, Miho Hamasaka and Naoko Hirata: Primary School Sexuality Relationships Education in Japan-A Collaborative,Qualitative Study. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices, (5)2018.2.
・園部真美: 妊娠期から始まる育児支援 乳幼児看護学はじめの一歩第22回,小児看護40(11),へるす出版,2017.10
・Sonobe Mami, Usui Masami, Hiroi Kayoko, Asai Hiromi, Hiramatsu Mayumi, Nekoda Yasutoshi, Hirose Taiko:
The influence of older primiparity on childborth, parenting stress, and mother-child interaction,Japan
Journal of Nursing Science 13(2),229-239,2016
・木村千里, 池田真弓, 園部真美:ケーススタディ 大学生、地域住民、自治体の協働による育児支援ボランティア活動 組織発達と活動メンバーの学びの検討.保健医療福祉連携,9(1):10-20,2016

・Chisato Kimura,Mayumi Ikeda,Mami Sonobe:Health care services necessary for solo mothers in the transition to parenthood in Japan: A qualitative exploratory approach,EAFONS25th(Taiwan)2022.4
・Mami Sonobe, Chisato Kimura, Masami Usui, Takahide Omori: Evaluation of a Mother and Child Support System using the Antenatal/Postnatal Promotional Guide based on the Family Partnership Model, WAIMH2021(Brisbane Australia),2021.6
・木村千里, 園部真美:自治体子どもひろばと大学との連携~プレママ子育て講座「赤ちゃんとの触れ合い」~、第13回日本保健医療福祉連携教育学会学術集会、2020.10
・園部真美:乳幼児と親子の関係性をアセスメントする評価指標―Infant CARE-Indexの紹介-、子ども虐待防止学会第26回学術集会シンポジウム、2020.11
・Nurturance and next generation nurturing capability: Effects of nursing college students’ contact experience with infants―changes in one year, Mami Sonobe, Chisato Kimura, Takahide Omori, Masami Usui. The 5th International Conference on Advancing the Life Sciences and Public Health Awareness, 2019.3
・Falling through the cracks: Insufficiencies in care and support for single mothers, Chisato Kimura, Mami Sonobe, Mayumi Ikeda, Takahide Omori, Rina Nakaizumi. The 5th International Conference on Advancing the Life Sciences and Public Health Awareness, 2019.3
・Effects of nursing college students’ contact experience with infants, The 2nd Asian Symposium on Health Informatics and Nursing Education, Mami Sonobe, Chisato Kimura, Takahide Omori, Masami Usui. 2018.4
・Interests of the fourth graders in a primary school through collaborative sexuality and relationships education by midwifery and school health―Examination of the differences between boys and girls―, Chisato Kimura, Mami Sonobe, Mayumi Ikeda, Tomomi Azuma, Miho Hamasaka, Naoko Hirata. The 2nd Asian Symposium on Health Informatics and Nursing Education, 2018.4
・Mami Sonobe, Chisato Kimura, Takahide Omori, Masami Usui: Effects of nursing college students’ contact experience with infants, 21st East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars & 11th International Nursing Conferences, 2018.1.
・Chisato Kimura, Mayumi Ikeda, Mami Sonobe, Omori Takahide: Development of Breastfeeding care competence at the early stage of midwife career: Analysis of lifeline, 21st East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars & 11th International Nursing Conferences, 2018.1.
・Mami Sonobe, Chisato Kimura, Yuko Endo, Mayumi Ikeda, Masami Usui, Junko Takasu, Mari Okamoto, Taiko Hirose: Evaluation of a Home-visit Mother/Child Support Program Using the Postnatal Promotional Guide, 13th International Family Nursing Conference, 2017.6.
・Chisato Kimura, Mami Sonobe, Yuko Endo, Masami Usui, Mayumi Ikeda, Junko Takasu, Mari Okamoto, Taiko Hirose: Feasibility study of a support program for mothers and children using Postnatal Promotional Guide (PPG) based home visits: Analysis of qualitative data on program evaluations by mothers and midwives, 13th International Family Nursing Conference, 2017.6.
・Mami Sonobe, Chisato Kimura, Mayumi Ikeda, Tomomi Azuma, Michiko Watanabe: Second-year elementary school students' learning through fetal and childbirth education by midwives and school teachers. The 3rd International Society of Caring and Peace Conference, 2017
・Mami Sonobe, Masami Usui, Taiko Hirose: Early intervention to Support Parenting during Pregnancy. The 20th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, 2017
・Chisato Kimura, Mami Sonobe, Mayumi Ikeda, Tomomi Azuma, Michiko Watanabe, Miho Hamasaka, Naoko Hirata:A qulitative study of primary school students' learning through sexuality and relationship education (SRE)program based on collaboration by midwives and school teachers in Japan.The 20th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, 2017
・Mami Sonobe, Chisato Kimura, Taiko Hirose: Practice and Evaluation of a Home-visit Mother/Child Support
Program usuing the Postnatal Promotional Guide. 第2回日本混合研究法学会年次大会,2016
・Chisato Kimura, Mami Sonobe:Difficulties and Developments within Cooperation and/or Communication Subsystems of Couples Rearing Twins during the Transition to Parenthood.12th International Family Nursing Conference,2015
・Mayumi Ikeda, Chisato Kimura, Mami Sonobe:Case Study of a Collaborative Volunteer Childcare Organizationof Community Residents, the Local Government, and University: Analysis of Factors Contributing to Formation and Establishment.The ICM Asia Pacific Regional Conference,2015
・Chisato Kimura, Mami Sonobe, Tomomi Azuma:Adaptation of Couple Rearing Twins: Coping with Challenges during the Child Rearing Stage: Focusing on Interactive Data from Dyadic Interviews.The ICM Asia PacificRegional Conference,2015
・Chisato Kimura, Mami Sonobe, Mayumi Ikeda:Assessment of Midwifery Students’Knowledge Acquisition through Conducting Breastfeeding Education Programs for Couples during Pregnancy: Analyzing Group Interaction.The ICM Asia Pacific Regional Conference,2015
・Mami Sonobe, Masami Usui, Taiko Hirose:Early Intervention Parenting Support during Pregnancy: Recognizing Infants’ Cues and Interaction.The ICM Asia Pacific Regional Conference,2015
・Sonobe M,Kimura C,Ikeda M,Azuma T:Cooperation and relationship within couples rearing twins.35th International Association for Human Caring Conference,2014
・Kimura C,Ikeda M,Sonobe M:Community Midwifery “Promotion and acquisition of multigenerational caring and mutual support”.35 th Interanational Association for Human Caring Conference,2014
・Usui M,Sonobe M,Nabeta M,Katsukawa Y,Sakanashi K:Parent-child interaction and related factors at 3-4 monthes after birth in couples of elderly primipara; comparison with primipara couples aged 35 or younger.ICM 30th Trienninl Congress,2014
・木村千里,園部真美:助産学生による母乳育児準備教育 健康教育実践からの学生の学び.日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集,2014
受 賞Advancing the Life Sciences & Public Health Awareness 2019 Investigator Award, 2019
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