

氏 名妹尾 淳史 (セノオ アツシ)
職 位教授
所 属放射線学科
年 報2021(521kB)2019(526kB)2018(670kB)
Pradeepa Ruwan Wanni Arachchige, Sadhani Karunarathna, Uchida Wataru, Ueda Ryo, Abdul Chalik Median, Daryl Patrick Yao, Masahiro Abo, Atsushi Senoo: Changes in brain morphometry after motor rehabilitation in chronic stroke. Somatosensory & motor research, 38(4) 277-286, Dec, 2021

Pradeepa Ruwan Wanni Arachchige, Ueda Ryo, Sadhani Karunarathna, Atsushi Senoo: Evaluation of fMRI activation in hemiparetic stroke patients after rehabilitation with low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and intensive occupational therapy. The International journal of neuroscience, 1-9, Sep 15, 2021

Ryo Ueda, Hiroyoshi Hara, Junichi Hata, Atsushi Senoo: White matter degeneration in diffuse axonal injury and mild traumatic brain injury observed with automatic tractography. Neuroreport, 32(11) 936-941, Aug 4, 2021

Pradeepa Ruwan Wanni Arachchige, Sadhani Karunarathna, Abdul Chalik Meidian, Ryo Ueda, Wataru Uchida, Masahiro Abo, Atsushi Senoo: Structural connectivity changes in the motor execution network after stroke rehabilitation. Restorative neurology and neuroscience, 39(4) 237-245, 2021

Ryo Ueda, Naoki Yamada, Masahiro Abo, Pradeepa Wanniarachchi Ruwan, Atsushi Senoo: MRI evaluation of motor function recovery by rTMS and intensive occupational therapy and changes in the activity of motor cortex. The International journal of neuroscience, 130(3) 309-317, Mar, 2020

Mika Mori, Shigehide Kuhara, Kuninori Kobayashi, Sinya Suzuki, Masahisa Yamada, Atsushi Senoo: Non-destructive tree-ring measurements using a clinical 3T-MRI for archaeology Dendrochronologia, 57 125630-125630, Oct, 2019

Sho Mitomo, Hideyuki Usa, Masafumi Hata, Daisuke Ogawa, Atsushi Senoo, Hitoshi Takei: Sequential Changes in Activity of Hip Abductor Muscles after Side-lying Hip Abduction Exercise with Different Directions using Muscle Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Integrative Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2(3) 1-8, May, 2019

Suzuki M, Moriya S, Hata J, Tachibana A, Senoo A, Niitsu M: Development of anisotropic phantoms using wood and fiber materials for diffusion tensor imaging and diffusion kurtosis imaging. Magma (New York, N.Y.), 32(5) 539-547, May, 2019

Ueda R, Yamada N, Abo M, Senoo A.: White matter changes follow low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation plus intensive occupational therapy for motor paralysis after stroke: a DTI study using TBSS. Acta Neurol Belg. 2019 May 21. [Epub ahead of print]

Ueda R, Yamada N, Abo M, Senoo A: Relationship between motor function improvements and white matter structure after low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation plus intensive occupational therapy in chronic subcortical stroke patients. Neuroreport. 2019 May 1;30(7):485-490

Ueda R, Yamada N, Abo M, Senoo A.: Correlation analysis of motor function improvement and brain structure for upper limb paralysis. Neuroreport. 2019 Jan 16;30(2):77-81.

Suzuki M, Senoo A, Niitsu M:Development of a Surface Marker for Fractional Anisotropy Maps Using Wood in a Phantom Study.,Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ,p,Jun 2018

Yamada N, Ueda R, Kakuda W, Momosaki R, Kondo T, Hada T, Sasaki N, Hara T, Senoo A, Abo M:Diffusion Tensor Imaging Evaluation of Neural Network Development in Patients Undergoing Therapeutic Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation following Stroke.,Neural plasticity ,2018(ID 3901016),p 1-8,Mar 2018

Ueda R, Yamada N, Kakuda W, Abo M, Senoo A:White matter structure and clinical characteristics of stroke patients: A diffusion tensor MRI study.,Brain research ,1635,p 61-70,Mar 2016

Senoo Atsushi, Ryo Ueda, Naoki Yamada, Masahiro Abo:Comparison of FA and GFA with pre and post therapeutic intervention for chronic stroke patients,,5(1),p,Mar 2017

Hiroomi Sensui, Nagamatsu Toshiya Senoo A, Miyamoto Reiko, Noriuchi Madoka, Fujimoto Toshihiko, Kikuchi Yoshiaki:The effect of hip-hop dance training on neural response to emotional stimuli,,(114),p 20-29,Apr 2016

Yamada N, Kakuda W, Senoo A, Kondo T, Mitani S, Shimizu M, Abo M:Functional cortical reorganization after low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation plus intensive occupational therapy for upper limb hemiparesis: evaluation by functional magnetic resonance imaging in poststroke patients.,International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society ,8(6),p 422-429,Aug 2013

Hara T, Abo M, Kobayashi K, Watanabe M, Kakuda W, Senoo A.:Effects of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with intensive speech therapy on cerebral blood flow in post-stroke aphasia.,Translation Stroke Reserch. ,6(5),p 365-374,Oct 2015

KURONO Akihiko, TSUKIMOTO Hiroshi, OKAMOTO Tomoyuki, KIKUCHI Yoshiaki, SENOO Atsushi:Detection of Brain Activated Regions Using Nonparametric Linear Regression Analysis,The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edition) ,96(11),p 2838-2845,Nov 2013

Kasahara K, Hashimoto K, Abo M, Senoo A:Voxel- and atlas-based analysis of diffusion tensor imaging may reveal focal axonal injuries in mild traumatic brain injury -- comparison with diffuse axonal injury.,Magnetic resonance imaging ,30(4),p 496-505,May 2012

Kasahara K, Tanaka S, Hanakawa T, Senoo A, Honda M:Lateralization of activity in the parietal cortex predicts the effectiveness of bilateral transcranial direct current stimulation on performance of a mental calculation task.,Neuroscience letters ,545,p 86-90,Jun 2013

Fukunaga I, Hori M, Masutani Y, Hamasaki N, Sato S, Suzuki Y, Kumagai F, Kosuge M, Hoshito H, Kamagata K, Shimoji K, Nakanishi A, Aoki S, Senoo A:Effects of diffusional kurtosis imaging parameters on diffusion quantification.,Radiological physics and technology ,6(2),p 343-348,Jul 2013

NAKAJIMA MARIKO, WATANABE SHU, MATSUDA TADAMITSU, KURUMA HIRONOBU, MURAKAMI YOSHIYUKI, SENOO ATSUSHI, YONEMOTO KYOZO:Brain Activation during Acoustic Rhythmic Beat Synchronization: A functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study,日本音楽療法学会誌 ,12(1),p 40-47,Jun 2012

Abo M, Kakuda W, Watanabe M, Morooka A, Kawakami K, Senoo A:Effectiveness of low-frequency rTMS and intensive speech therapy in poststroke patients with aphasia: a pilot study based on evaluation by fMRI in relation to type of aphasia.,European neurology ,68(4),p 199-208, 2012

Shiratani Tomoko, Nitta Osamu, Matsuda Masahiro, Tada Yuuichi, Senoo Atsushi, Yanagisawa Ken:The effects of a static contraction of pelvic anterior elevation on the brain activities induced by a fMRI in the normal volunteers,The journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences ,14(4),p 205-212,Mar 2012


Usa Hideyuki, Takei Hitoshi, Hata Masahumi, Ogawa Daisuke, Ichikawa Kazuna, Matsumura Masashi, Senoo Atsushi, Watanabe Shu:The MRI analysis of motions of each joint which composes the lumbopelvic-hip complex during passive unilateral hip extension,The journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences ,14(3),p 155-164,Dec 2011

Watanabe R, Watanabe S, Kuruma H, Murakami Y, Seno A, Matsuda T.:Neural activation during imitation of movements presented from four different perspectives: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.,Neuroscience Letters ,503(2),p 100-104,Oct 2011

Kakuda W, Abo M, Kaito N, Watanabe M, Senoo A:Functional MRI-based therapeutic rTMS strategy for aphasic stroke patients: a case series pilot study.,The International journal of neuroscience ,120(1),p 60-66,Jan 2010

Matsuda Tadamitsu, Watanabe Shu, Kuruma Hironobu, Murakami Yoshiyuki, Watanabe Rui, Ikeda Yumi, Senoo Atsushi, Yonemoto Kyouzo:Neural Mechanism Responses in the Brain to Predetermined Periodic and Aperiodic Stimuli - Analysis of Visual Stimulation of Movement,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE ,22(2),p 189-194,May 2010

Murakami Yoshiyuki, Watanabe Shu, Kuruma Hironobu, Matsuda Tadamitsu, Watanabe Rui, Senoo Atsushi:Brain Organization during Passive Touch and Tactile Discrimination and the Influence of Learning -a Functional MRI Study,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE ,22(1),p 1-6,Feb 2010

Otsudo Takahiro, Takei Hitoshi, Senoo Atsushi:Effects of Position and Force of Calf Compression with Graded Ankle Plantar Flexion on Central Aponeurosis Displacement,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE ,22(1),p 35-41,Feb 2010

Otsudo Takahiro, Sawada Yutaka, Takei Hitoshi, Senoo Atsushi:Inter-tester reliability of ultrasound imaging measurement between probe held by hand and held by apparatus : Displacement measurement of central aponeurosis during contracting gastrocnemius,The journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences ,13(4),p 193-200,Mar 2011

MATSUDA TADAMITSU, WATANABE SHU, KURUMA HIRONOBU, MURAKAMI YOSHIYUKI, WATANABE RUI, SENOO ATSUSHI, YONEMOTO KYOZO:Neural Correlates of Chopsticks Exercise for the Non-Dominant Hand ; Comparison Among the Movement, Images and Imitations : A Functional MRI Study,Rigakuryoho kagaku ,26(1),p 117-122,Feb 2011

Kakuda Wataru, Abo Masahiro, Kaito Nobuyoshi, Watanabe Motoi, Senoo Atsushi:A Novel Approach for Aphasic Stroke Patients: Functional MRI-based Therapeutic rTMS Strategy,STROKE ,40(4),p E252,Apr 2009

Hattori N, Senoo A, Gomi T, Nagamoto M, Nakano T, Chiba T, Yokose M, Takizawa M, Kohda E:T1-weighted MR imaging of the female pelvis using RADAR-FSE sequence.,Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ,8(4),p 175-180, 2009

KAKUDA Wataru, ABO Masahiro, KAITO Nobuyoshi, SENOO Atsushi, WATANABE Motoi:Repetitive Low-Frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Plus Speech Therapy over a Six-Month Period Improved Naming and Writing,Jikeikai medical journal ,56(2),p 31-36,Jun 2009

Miyamoto Reiko, Kikuchi Yoshiaki, Senoo Atsushi:Distinctive neural basis of anatomic imitation compared with specular imitation,The journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences ,11(3),p 153-161,Dec 2008

OTSUDO TAKAHIRO, TAKEI HITOSHI, SENOO ATSUSHI:Change in Gastrocnemius Architecture Indices during Graded Ankle Plantar Contraction : Reliability of Measurements Using Ultrasonography,Rigakuryoho kagaku ,23(6),p 699-704,Dec 2008

Noriuchi M, Kikuchi Y, Senoo A:The functional neuroanatomy of maternal love: mother's response to infant's attachment behaviors.,Biological psychiatry ,63(4),p 415-423,Feb 2008

OTSUDO Takahiro, TAKEI Hitoshi, SENOO Atsushi:Change in Gastrocnemius Architecture Indices during Graded Ankle Plantar Contraction: Reliability of Measurements Using Ultrasonography,Journal of exercise physiology ,23(6),p 699-704, 2008

Otsudo Takahiro, Takei Hitoshi, Senoo Atsushi:The influence of regulated compression for the Gastrocnemius Medialis muscle architectural change at rest and during isometric contraction in vivo,The journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences ,10(3),p 174-181,Dec 2007

TSUBUKI MOMOKO, WATANABE SHU, KURUMA HIRONOBU, MATSUDA MASAHIRO, IKEDA YUMI, SENOO ATSUSHI:Effect of Visual Feedback on Voluntary Finger Movement,Rigakuryoho kagaku ,22(2),p 189-193,May 2007

Kuruma Hironobu, Watanabe Shu, Ikeda Yumi, Senoo Atsushi, Kikuchi Yoshiaki, Abo Masahiro, Yonemoto Kyouzou:Neural mechanism of self-initiated and externally triggered finger movements,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE ,19(2),p 103-109,May 2007

Kawamichi H, Kikuchi Y, Noriuchi M, Senoo A, Ueno S:Distinct neural correlates underlying two- and three-dimensional mental rotations using three-dimensional objects.,Brain research ,1144,p 117-126,May 2007


MATSUDA TADAMITSU, WATANABE SHU, KURUMA HIRONOBU, TSUBUKI MOMOKO, MURAKAMI YOSHIYUKI, IKEDA YUMI, SENOU ATUSHI, YONEMOTO KYOUZOU:Difference between Right and Left Activation of Sensorimotor Cortex during Finger Opposition Task : Functional MRI Study,Rigakuryoho kagaku ,21(4),p 387-391,Nov 2006

TATSUNO Hisashi, SENOO Atushi, ABO Masahiro:Rational Speech Therapy on the Basis of Differences in Functional Magnetic Resonance Activation,Jikeikai medical journal ,53(2),p 81-86,Jun 2006

KURUMA HIRONOBU, WATANABE SHU, IKEDA YUMI, YAMAUCHI TOSHIE, SENOO ATSUSHI, KIKUCHI YOSHIAKI, ABO MASAHIRO, YONEMOTO KYOZO:The Influence of Paced Sound on Activation of Cerebellum in a Finger Opposition Task: a fMRI Study,理学療法科学 ,20(1),p 1-5,Feb 2005

Miyamoto Reiko, Kikuchi Yoshiaki, Tanaka Masayuki, Watanabe Shu, Senoo Atsushi:Brain activity related to the delayed matching-to-sample task using blocks : An fMRI study,The journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences ,7(3),p 200-207,Dec 2004

Yoshikawa K, Inoue Y, Shimada M, Akahane M, Itoh S, Seno A, Hayashi S:Contrast-enhanced MR angiography in rats with hepatobiliary contrast agents.,Magnetic resonance imaging ,22(7),p 937-942,Sep 2004

SENOO ATSUSHI, ITO AKIYOSHI, YAMAZAKI JUN'ICHI:Analysis of Torsional Movement of the Left Ventricular Wall Using Sequential Image Processing in Gated SPECT,Med Imaging Technol ,21(5),p 350-357,Nov 2003

Yoshikawa K, Inoue Y, Akahane M, Shimada M, Itoh S, Seno A, Hayashi S:Phantom and animal studies of a new hepatobiliary agent for MR imaging: comparison of Gd-DTPA-DeA with Gd-EOB-DTPA.,Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI ,18(2),p 204-209,Aug 2003

Shimada M, Yoshikawa K, Suganuma T, Kayanuma H, Inoue Y, Ito K, Senoo A, Hayashi S:Interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography: comparative animal study of gadofluorine 8 and gadolinium diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid.,Journal of computer assisted tomography ,27(4),p 641-646,Jul 2003

Nanjo S, Yamazaki J, Yoshikawa K, Miura M, Seno A:Efficacy of contrast-enhanced MR imaging in cardiomyopathy: an experimental study using Bio14.6 hamsters.,Academic radiology ,9(10),p 1139-1147,Oct 2002

SENOO Atsushi, ITOH Akiyoshi:Wall Motion Analysis of the Left Ventricular from Gated SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) Using the Sequential Image Recognition,Medical Imaging and Information Sciences ,19(1),p 10-17, 2002

Hayashi S, Ito K, Shimada M, Tsubuku M, Kaneko I, Kogure T, Kusama K, Nanba T, Senoh A, Tsuchida S:Dynamic MRI with slow injection of contrast material for the diagnosis of pituitary adenoma.,Radiation medicine ,13(4),p 167-170,Jul 1995
受 賞・平成05年4月 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine combined of Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists Good Standing Position Award
・平成11年9月 第27回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 大会長賞受賞
・平成15年5月 2002年度 医用画像情報学会 内田最優秀論文賞受賞
・平成17年6月 平成16年度 日本リハビリテーション学会論文賞受賞
主な学会活動・昭和63年~現在 日本放射線技術学会
・昭和63年~現在 日本核医学技術学会
・平成04年~現在 日本磁気共鳴医学会 (代議員,理事)
・平成05年~現在 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
・平成08年~現在 人工知能学会
・平成08年~現在 電子情報通信学会
・平成08年~現在 医用画像情報学会
・平成10年~現在 日本保健科学学会
・平成12年~現在 日本体力医学会
・平成26年~現在 日本保健医療福祉連携教育学会
社会等との関わり2007-2010 科学技術振興機構(JST) シーズ発掘試験研究費審査員
2011-2014 科学技術振興機構(JST) 研究成果最適展開支援事業(A-STEP)FSステージ「探索タイプ」査読委員
2015-2016 科学技術振興機構(JST) 研究成果展開事業マッチングプランナープログラム「探索試験」専門委員
2017-2022 科学技術振興機構(JST) 研究成果最適展開支援事業(A-STEP) 機能検証フェーズ 専門委員
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  • 専門放射線学セミナーⅡ
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  • 放射線医学概論
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  • X線撮影技術学実習Ⅰ
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  • X線撮影技術学実習Ⅱ
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  • 放射線科学特論
  • 画像診断システム学特論
  • 画像診断システム学特論
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  • 画像診断システム学特論演習
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  • 画像診断システム学特講
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  • 放射線科学特別研究b
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