

氏 名樋口 貴広 (ヒグチ タカヒロ)
職 位教授
所 属ヘルスプロモーションサイエンス学域
年 報
室井大佑・樋口貴広「脳卒中者における知覚・認知と運動制御」理学療法(連載講座:「知覚・認知と運動制御」), 41(3),259-266, 2024

Suda Y, Kodama K, Nakamura T, Sakazaki J Higuchi T, Motor flexibility to stabilize the toe position during obstacle crossing in older adults: an investigation using an uncontrolled manifold analysis. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 6, 1382194, 2024, DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2024.1382194

Muroi D, Saito Y, Koyake A, Hiroi Y, Higuchi T Training for walking through an opening improves collision avoidance behavior in subacute patients with stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Disability and Rehabilitation 46(5) 887-895, 2024, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2023.2181412

樋口貴広「高齢者における知覚・認知と運動制御: 調整力の低下」理学療法(連載講座:「知覚・認知と運動制御」) 41(1),63-72, 2024

樋口貴広・中本浩揮「言葉を用いた運動支援」理学療法(連載講座:「知覚・認知と運動制御」), 40(10),923-931, 2023

Muroi D, Kodama K, Tomono T, Saito Y, Koyake A, Higuchi T. Approaching process in walking through an aperture for individuals with stroke. J Mot Behav 56, 139-149, 2024, DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2023.2280259

Sato K, Fukuhara k, Higuchi T. Age-related changes in the utilization of visual information for collision prediction: A study using an affordance-based model. Experimental Aging Research 9, 1-19, DOI: 10.1080/0361073X.2023.2278985

冨田洋介・須田祐貴・樋口貴広「運動の変動性から関節間協調性を読み解く」(連載講座:「知覚・認知と運動制御」)40(6),549-556), 2023

渡邉諒・樋口貴広「予測と運動制御」(連載講座:「知覚・認知と運動制御」)40(4),361-368, 2023

中本浩揮・樋口貴広,模倣と運動学習・制御,理学療法 40(3), 265-275, 2023

Nakamura T, Kodama K, Sakazaki J, Higuchi T. Relationship between adaptability during turning and the complexity of walking before turning in older adults. Journal of Motor Behavior, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2023.2199692

桜井良太・樋口貴広 「高齢者における身体能力評価の正確性」(連載講座:「知覚・認知と運動制御」第9回)理学療法 40(2),171-179, 2023

Watanabe R, Inoue J, Yokoyama K, Umemori T, Ishikawa T, Omata T, Higuchi T. Changing weight perception using augmented reality. Journal of Digital Life, in press.

Hakamata T., Muroi D, Kodama K, Kondo Y, Higuchi T. Haptic feedback intervention decreases the spatial margin when older adults walk through a narrow space. Journal of Physiological Anthropology 41, 41, 2022, DOI: 10.1186/s40101-022-00315-y

樋口貴広 視覚と運動制御2:歩行の制御(講座:知覚認知と運動制御第3回)理学療法39(8),743-751, 2022

Imura A, Nagaki H, Higuchi T, Alignment of the metatarsal heads affects foot inversion/eversion during tiptoe standing on one leg in demi–pointe position: A cross–sectional study on recreational dancers. PLos One,2022. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276324

樋口貴広 「視覚と運動制御1:背景の影響」(連載講座:「知覚・認知と運動制御」第2回),39(7), 645-653, 2022

Muroi D, Ohtera S, Saito Y, Koyake A, Higuchi T. Factors associated with collisions and entering the side of the body while walking-through a narrow opening in individuals with stroke. NeuroRehabilitation, in press. DOI: 10.3233/NRE-220174

Watanabe R, Higuchi T. Anticipatory action planning for stepping onto competing potential targets. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,16:875249.2022, DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.875249

樋口貴広 総論(講座:知覚認知と運動制御)理学療法39(6)545-553, 2022

横山紘季,渡邉諒,井上純輝,石川 毅,小俣貴宣,樋口貴広. 物体持ち上げ動作時の質量推測-拡張現実技術の導入に向けた検証-. バイオメカニズム学会誌 46(4),241-247, 2022

樋口貴広「感覚入力とバランス」斎藤秀之・加藤浩・望月久(編)『こだわりぬくバランス練習』(分担執筆, page 24-34),文光堂,2022


Umemori T, Higuchi T, Nakamura1 T, Nakayama Y, Fujita G, Okuyama Y, Kobayashi K, Abo M. A new screening test for idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus using bimanual coordination: A preliminary study. NeuroRehabilitation 51(2), 333-339, DOI: 10.3233/NRE-220010.

Muroi D, Saito Y, Koyake A, Yasuda K, Higuchi T. Walking through a narrow opening improves collision avoidance behavior in a patient with stroke and unilateral spatial neglect: an ABA single-case design.Neurocase 28(2), 149-157, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2022.2042566.

Suda Y, Fukuhara K, Sato K Higuchi T. Improved walking through an aperture in a virtual environment transfers to a real environment: Introduction of enriched feedback and gradual increase in task difficulty. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 4, 844436, DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2022.844436

Muroi D, Saito Y, Koyake A, Higo F, Numaguchi T, Higuchi T. Walking through an aperture while penetrating from the paretic side improves safety managing the paretic side for individuals with stroke who had previous falls. Human Movement Science, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2021.102906

樋口貴広・渡邉諒 「触れることと触れられること:動くことの意味」理学療法ジャーナル 55 (2021年10月号),1054-1060, 2021

荒木大輔,中祖直之,樋口貴広 「脳卒中患者における屋外歩行時の視線特性」理学療法科学 36 737-741,2021

Nakamoto H, Higuchi T, Mann DL, Kinaesthetic cues when predicting the outcomes of the actions of others. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance47(4), 565–577. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1037/xhp0000902

Sakurai R,Fujiwara Y, Suzuki H, Ogawa S, Higuchi T, Imanaka K. Changes in self-estimated step-over ability among older adults: A 3-year follow-up study. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. Series B,202- gbaa219. 2021, DOI:10.1093/geronb/gbaa219

Kondo Y, Fukuhara K, Suda Y, Higuchi T. (2021) Training older adults with virtual reality use to improve collision-avoidance behavior when walking through an aperture. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.archger.2020.104265

Mitobe J & Higuchi T. (2020) Top-down processing of drug names can induce errors in discriminating similar pseudo-drug names by nurses. Human Factors.in press, doi: 10.1177/0018720820946607

樋口貴広・福原和伸・中本浩揮 (2020) スポーツ選手の視覚特性:知覚・認知・運動系で”見る” Clinical Neuroscience 38, 720-723

福原和伸・中本浩揮・樋口貴広 (2020) 視覚運動制御研究におけるバーチャルリアリティ技術の活用. 体育の科学 70, 184-189

Muroi D, Ohtera S, Kataoka Y, Banno M, Tsujimoto Y, Tsujimoto H, Higuchi T, (2019) Obstacle avoidance training in individuals with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 9, e028873, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028873

樋口貴広(2019)「視覚による運動制御」日本スポーツ視覚研究会(編)「スポーツパフォーマンスと視覚」(p. 10-16) NAP

福原和伸・樋口貴広(2019) バーチャルリアリティ技術の活用で明らかにされたスポーツ選手の予測能力. 神経眼科,36(1),30-35

日吉亮太・福原和伸・樋口貴広(2019) 身体部位の視覚刺激を用いたメンタルローテーションの熟達化-反復練習の持ち越し効果の検討.理学療法科学 34(4), 455-459

Watanabe R, Wagman JB, Higuchi T. (2019) Dynamic touch by hand and head during walking: protective behavior for the head. Journal of Motor Behavior 51, 655-667, DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2018.1563043

Nakamura T, Higuchi T, Kikumoto T, Takeda T, Tashiro H, Hoshi F.(2019) Slower reorientation of trunk for reactive turning while walking in hemiparesis stroke patients. Journal of Motor Behavior 51, 640-646

Wagman JB, Higuchi T. Where is your head? (2019) Perception of relative position of the head on a wielded object. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics s 81, 1488-1499


樋口貴広(2019)バランスの制御:視覚の役割. 理学療法の科学と研究 10, 3-7

Fukuhara K, Maruyama T, Ida H, Ogata T, Sato B, Ishii M, Higuchi T. (2018) Can slow-motion footage of forehand strokes be used to immediately improve anticipatory judgments in tennis? Frontiers in Psychology, 9,1830, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01830

樋口貴広(2018) .筋電図. 「実験心理学ハンドブック」朝倉書店,425-426

樋口貴広(2018) スポーツ選手における視覚運動制御. Monthly Book OCULISTA 58,63-68

Watanabe R, Higuchi T, Kikuchi Y, Taira M (2017) Visuomotor effects of body part movements presented in the first-person perspective on imitative behavior. Human Brain Mapping 38, 6218-6229.

Fukuhara K, Ida H, Ogata T, Ishii M Higuchi T. (2017) The role of proximal body information on anticipatory judgment in tennis using graphical information richness. PLOS One 12(7), e0180985.


Yasuda M, Stins JF, Higuchi T. (2017) Effect of constrained arm posture on the processing of action verbs. Frontiers in Neuroscience,11:57.doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00057

Muroi D, Hiroi Y, Koshiba T,Suzuki Y, Kawaki M, Higuchi T. (2017) Walking through apertures in individuals with stroke. PLOS ONE 12: e0170119. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0170119

樋口貴広(2017) 歩行の安全性にかかわる心理機構. PTジャーナル 51(5),397-403

児玉謙太郎・安田和弘・園田耕平・青山慶・樋口貴広(2017).「知覚と行為の乖離の実験的構成:下肢加重による跨ぎ越え課題での検討.認知科学 24(2),169-184

Muroi D and Higuchi T. (2017) Walking through an aperture with visual information obtained at a distance. Experimental Brain Research 235,219?230, .DOI: 10.1007/s00221-016-4781-7

Wagman JB Langley MD, Higuchi T. (2017)Turning perception on its head:Cephalic perception of whole and partial length of a wielded object. Experimental Brain Research 235, 153-167, DOI 10.1007/s00221-016-4778-2

樋口貴広(2017) 認知と行動のメカニズム.大竹恵子(編)『保健と健康の心理学:ポジティブヘルスの実現』 35-47, ナカニシヤ出版

Mitobe J and Higuchi T. (2016) Does finger pointing toward drug names prevent confusion between similar names during rapid search? Psychologia 59, 38-46.

Watanabe M, Higuchi T, Imanaka K. (2016) Interlimb weight adjustments between the lower and upper limbs relate to inaccurate performance during the lateral body weight-shifting task. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 39, 331?338

Watanabe R., Higuchi T. (2016) Behavioral advantages of the first-person perspective model for imitation. Frontier in Psychology 7, 701. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00701

Kawasaki T, Higuchi T.(2016) Improvement of postural stability during quiet standing obtained after mental rotation of foot stimuli Journal of Motor Behavior 48, 357-364.

樋口貴広 (2016) 身体図式:行為を支える脳内身体表象. 斎藤秀之ら(編)(2016)『感覚入力で挑む-感覚・運動機能回復のための理学療法アプローチ』. 161-169, 文光堂,

樋口貴広(2015) 「移動行動の視覚運動制御」,バイオメカニクス研究 19,144-149

樋口貴広(2015) 「ダイナミックな空間移動を支える視覚運動制御」,臨床スポーツ医学研究 32,1146-1150.

Hara M, Pozeg P, Rognini G, Higuchi T, Fukuhara K,Yamamoto A, Higuchi T, Blanke O, Salomon R. (2015) Voluntary self-touch increases body ownership. Frontiers in Psychology 6, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01509

樋口貴広(2015) 「運動イメージと運動学習-その認知科学的背景-」,理学療法 32(9),780-788


Kitayama S, Fujikake H, Kokubu M, Higuchi T (2015) The relationship between spatial cognition and walking trajectory for passing through a doorway: evident in individuals with dominant right eye? Experimental Brain Research 233, 797-807, DOI: 10.1007/s00221-014-4155-y.

Sakurai R, Fujiwara Y, Sakuma N, Suzuki H, Ishihara M, Higuchi T, Imanaka K.(2014). 1Influential factors affecting age-related self-overestimation of step-over ability: Focusing on frequency of going outdoors and executive function. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 577-583.

Wagman JB, Higuchi T, Taheny CA (2014). Improvements in perception of maximum reaching height transfer to increases or decreases reaching ability. American Journal of Psychology 127, 269-279.

Yasuda M, Wagman JB, Higuchi T (2014). Can perception of aperture passability be improved immediately after practice in actual passage?: dissociation between walking and wheelchair use. Experimental Brain Research 232, 753-764.

樋口貴広 (2014).視覚と運動制御.市橋則明(編著)運動療法学(第2版).Pp.148-160, 文光堂.

Higuchi T (2013). Visuomotor control of human adaptive locomotion. Frontiers in Psychology 4, 277 (9pages).

Watanabe R, Higuchi T, Kikuchi Y. Imitation behavior is sensitive to visual perspective of the model: An fMRI study. Experimental Brain Research 228, 161-171.

Yamada M, Higuchi T Nishiguchi S, Yoshimura K, Kajiwara Y, Aoyama T (2013). Multi-target stepping program in combination with a standardized multi-component exercise program can prevent falls in community-dwelling older adults. Journal of American Geriatrics Society 61, 1669-1675.

Sakurai R, Fujiwara Y, Ishihara M, Higuchi T, Uchida H, Imanaka K (2013). Age-related self-overestimation of step-over ability in healthy older adults and its relationship to fall risk. BMC Geriatrics 13, 44 (7pages).

Watanabe M, Higuchi T Ishihara M., Tani H., Imanaka K (2013). Adverse effects of central tendency, lateral difference, and reciprocal inter-limb weight adjustment on performance accuracy during lateral body weight shifting. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 20, 378-386.

樋口貴広 (2013).運動支援の心理学:知覚・認知を活かす.三輪書店.

樋口貴広 (2013).前方の環境情報を捉える“先読み型”歩行能力を鍛える訓練プログラム.月刊デイ 46, 44-47.

樋口貴広 (2013).視覚と歩行.理学療法30, 746-753.

Higuchi T, Seya Y, Imanaka K (2012). Rule for scaling shoulder rotation angles while walking through apertures. PLoS ONE 7, e48123 (7pages).

Yamada M, Higuchi T, Mori S, Uemura K, Nagai K, Ichihashi N (2012). Maladaptive turning and gaze behavior induces impaired stepping on multiple footfall targets during gait in older individuals who are at high risk of falling. The Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 54, e102-e108.

Yasuda K, Higuchi T, Sakurai R, Yoshida H, Imanaka K (2012). Immediate beneficial effects of self-monitoring body movements for upright postural stability in young healthy individuals. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 16(2), 244-250.

Yamada M, Higuchi T, Tanaka B, Nagai K, Aoyama T, Uemura K, Ichihashi N (2011). Measurements of stepping accuracy in a multi-target stepping task as a potential indicator of fall risk in elderly individuals. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences i66(9):994-1000.

Fujikake H, Higuchi T, Imanaka K, Malouney L (2011). Directional bias in the body while walking through a doorway: Its association with attentional and motor factors.Experimental Brain Research 210, 195-206.

Higuchi T, Murai G, Kijima A, Seya Y, Wagman JB, Imanaka K (2011).,Athletic experience influences shoulder rotations when running through apertures.Human Movement Science 30, 534-549.

Higuchi T, Cinelli ME, Patla AE (2009). Gaze behavior during locomotion through apertures: the effect of locomotion forms. Human Movement Science 28, 760-771.

Higuchi T, Hatano N, Soma K, Imanaka K (2009). Perception of spatial requirements for wheelchair locomotion in experienced users with tetraplegia. Journal of Physiological Anthropololy 28(1), 15-21.

樋口貴広,森岡周(2008). 身体運動学―知覚・認知からのメッセージ.三輪書店.

Higuchi T, Cinelli ME, Greig MA Patla AE (2006). Locomotion through apertures when wider space is necessary: Adaptation to altered bodily states. Experimental Brain Research 175, 50-59.
受 賞なし
International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR)
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  • 生体理工学ゼミナール
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  • 研究室インターンシップ(生体理工学)
  • 認知と行動
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  • 身体運動演習(G2)